
Amazing BJJ Week to AOW14!

Prof. Ikuta (2nd left)



At AOW 14

After seminar

The last week of September 2009 was really an excellent 7 days for KLN BJJ.

We had Ken from Angra Tokyo, Prof. Ikuta from Trust Jiujitsu and Makoto Ogasawara from Taiwan BJJ! Thank you very much for teaching us and your friendship.

We are a bit confused at the moment coz we were taught too many techniques and concepts in such a short period! KLN guys, I have taken movies and notes, so lets train together and make sure to try all of the techniques. We have enough homework to fulfill rest of the year!!

Also, Macau trip with about 20 members were so much fun!!! (but really tired...). Reminded a high school activity, haha!! Thanks Gus for organising AOW event and providing special arrangement for us!

Oh, remember. We'll have "Rodo" from this week!
Thank you all and see you on the mat!