

A news from Luke (BJJ-ASIA)!!

Finally BJJ ASIA is making GIs. They are good quality, look good and importantly, very cheap!!

(Luke's article - http://www.bjj-asia.com/)

"Yes, I am producing a modest run of bjj uniforms that are a quality product, plain, absent of decorative patches and at a great price. Perfect for the beginner or for those looking to add an extra gi to their rotation but not wanting to spend another $100-150 to do so. These will be in stock this Sept and I will be making them available at the FBT Thailand BJJ/Grappling Open, September 19-20, 2009.

My aim is to provide a quality product that can support the growing BJJ community at prices we can all be comfortable with. White uniforms retail at $60 USD and blue at $65 USD. Teams looking to buy in bulk (10+) can contact me for discounted prices at bjjasia@gmail.com. "

Guys, really good value!!
If you are interested, send an email to Luke : bjjasia@gmail.com (Available from Mid Sept)